Township Outreach and Support Program

Project Detail

Program Summary & Eligible Participants:


The Guernsey County Development Corporation (CDC) has initiated a township outreach and support program that is designed to provide assistance to the local townships within Guernsey and Belmont Counties.

The program utilizes the CDC’s Township Outreach Coordinator to help communicate and align the CDC’s capabilities with the needs of the townships.


Program Capabilities:


The goal of this program is to help local townships meet the needs and demands of local residents by supplying stop signs, sign posts, culverts and road signs to the townships. By donating these items the CDC is helping rural townships stretch budgets to meet ever increasing demands of road maintenance.

In addition the CDC offers free tire removal for townships that need help disposing of illegally dumped tires along local roadways. A tire trailer is stationed on CDC property and is owned by Campbell’s Scrap Tire Company (an EPA compliant scrap tire disposal company), the CDC pays a yearly fee of $1,100 and Campbell’s will haul away the tires as the trailer is filled.

The Program is Capable of:

Donating stop signs, road signs, culverts and sign posts;

The removal of tires whether hauled by the township or the CDC

Removal of other illegally dumped material providing it is not an environmental hazard.


Examples of Success:


Over the past two years the CDC has donated;

104 stop signs and 179 sign posts                                                              20 “High Water” signs

45 blank signs for street names                                                                 12 “Men Working” signs

25 blank yellow maker signs                                                                        8 36’in 20 ft long culverts

10 12’in 20 ft long culverts

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