Workforce Development Program

Project Detail

Project Summary & Eligible Participants:


The Guernsey County Community Development Corporation (CDC for short) will seek out and employ individuals that have suffered from long-term unemployment due to legal issues or lack of specific job skills and/or experience. This will be done in conjunction with the Department of Jobs and Family Services. The goal of this program will be to provide the employees with experience in the areas of construction, transportation, and heavy machinery operations which will ultimately help them move into a permanent position within a given industry (trucking, construction, oil and gas).  Each year the CDC hire 4 individuals that meet the social economic requirements that we are looking for (low income/poverty, past legal issues, and no job skills) and then provide them with long-term employment (1 year).  Each employee will undergo training sessions that will help them obtain their Class A CDL License, business and industry training (working in cooperation with Zane State College) and certificates of development that will be issued to us as proof of learning and training.  Our projects directly affect nearly 15,000 residents of Guernsey County.

Example of Project Experience:


The CDC, in previous years participated in and managed the WIA 18-21 (Workforce Improvement) grant, in addition the CDC participates in the Summer Youth Employment Program through the Department of Jobs and Family Services. The intent of these programs are to prepare at risk youth to move from our program to other jobs once they understand that certain criteria must be met before they can successfully qualify and retain a job. Getting the participants to understand issues such as developing basic priorities and how this affects their ability to provide for themselves and their family. Issues such as showing up on time for work, maintaining an acceptable appearance, listening and carrying out basic instructions, understanding why safe working habits are a must or just getting used to having a job verses hanging out with friend or living off of their parents.

This program has been very successful over the past few years and many who have participated have moved on to jobs that are more main stream and better paying with better benefits. In addition the WIA program has allowed participants to be a major part of improving the quality of life in Guernsey County by helping to develop the Great Guernsey Trail, working on projects in small community parks, helping to preserve local wetlands, and many other projects for the good of our county. Participants develop work skills that can be used in the future while honing their basic social skills. The WIA Program not only helps the participants but allows assistance to communities for projects that may be unattainable had this project not been active. The participants also become more community oriented and tend become more aware of community issues.

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