The Guernsey County Community Development (CDC) has so much going on to start 2021, I feel amazed and blessed at the same time. Honestly, I don’t know where to start, but let me give it a whirl. We are currently rehabbing one of our buildings in Byesville. The building will be home to a new business that will be a welcome addition to downtown Byesville. This will be the fifth business in Byesville that operates in one of our buildings. Plus, we also just purchased another building in Byesville that will also be rehabbed and available for another future business. Our workforce development program is proceeding and we currently have two young gentleman involved in the program. They learn critical skills in the fields of carpentry, mechanics, landscaping, time management and much more.
I’m working in cooperation with the City of Cambridge, OMEGA and the county to connect the The Great Guernsey Trail  with downtown Cambridge, which will help bring more tourism dollars to our county. Today, I started work on a grant to install electric vehicle chargers at the trailhead of our trail and I’m also working on holding another countywide tire and litter cleanup that will be funded by an Ohio EPA grant. In a few months we will bid out the work to resurface the first mile of our trail. We also have more trail maintenance projects planned for this summer.
Bobcat Run DGC will be finished this spring and (fingers crossed) ready for the public by summer. All of this is being done while still cleaning up illegal dumpsites, maintaining our beloved trail and everything else we do to make our county a better place to live and work.

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