I hope everyone had a fantastic Easter? After a three day weekend, the staff at the CDC is hard at work on a variety of projects. First up is our Township Outreach Program which was created to align the needs of local townships with the support services offered by the CDC. One of the ways we do this is by providing free stop signs to the townships. In the state of Ohio all stop signs are required to meet new state standards that increase reflection and visibility. The problem with the mandate is that most townships cannot afford to replace every single stop sign within their jurisdiction.

To help meet this need the CDC has worked out an agreement with a sign manufacturer to receive a discount on bulk sign purchases, which we were able to accomplish thanks to our nonprofit status. As a result we have provided the townships with the following:

– 104 Stop signs and 179 signposts.

– 20 “High Water” signs

– 45 Blank signs for street names

– 12 “Men Working” signs

– 30 Reflectors for stop sign posts

– 25 Blank yellow marker signs

We also provided the townships with 8 36 in, 20ft long culverts and 10 12 in, 20ft long culverts.

This was done at absolutely NO cost to the townships!

All of these signs were provided to the townships and was made possible through the continued support of our financial benefactors, small monetary donations and the revenue from our Outdoor Eco Expo and Sportsman’s Bash. Remember, when you donate to the CDC or support the Eco Expo, all proceeds stay RIGHT HERE in Guernsey County and go towards making our county a better place to live and work.

In other news we received the final agreement for the archery range that we will be building on CDC property located near the state hospital grounds. This state of the art complex will consist of the latest targets, elevated platforms that simulate firing from a tree stand and an Atlas Archery Trap Machine that will allow individuals to shot at aerial targets. This range will be completed by fall (weather permitting) and be open to the public shortly thereafter. Please keep checking FB for updates.

Lastly, the CDC made its last pledged donation to the Village of Pleasant City for the construction of a much needed salt bin. The $5,000 donation will help to pay for material and concrete. This project was spearheaded by former Pleasant City Mayor and current CDC Board Member Mike Stranathan and current Pleasant City Council Member Tammy Gress-Wills. Once the salt bin is completed, it will provide ample storage space for the village’s salt and ashes, which will decrease the amount lost to rain, thereby saving money for the residents of the villages.

In the mean time don’t forget to check out www.outdoorecoexpo.com for the latest updates on our Outdoor Eco Expo and Sportsman’s Bash. Updates on prizes, vendors, seminars and more are included. You can also buy your tickets via our automated system.

Take care,

Ron G.

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