Greetings Folks,

WOW! We had one busy November and December is shaping up to be just as busy. First and foremost, thanks to a $40,000.00 donation from Utica Resources LLC we bought a new hybrid van for our military veterans transportation program and quite frankly, it’s amazing. This is going to save the CDC a FORTUNE on fuel. Speedy Print is designing a fantastic looking warp for the van and once I give it final approval we will post a picture.

Our projects are piling up, but we are starting to make some headway. Our employees, Dick Dailey, Paul Dickson and Melissa West completed the install of the Quaker City play pod and swing set. This project was made possible thanks to an ODNR NatureWorks grant written by the CDC on behalf of Quaker City and the use of our in-kind labor.

There was an illegal dumpsite in the parking lot of the former Kmart building. People were dumping unwanted items in front of the Special Olympics donations bins, and the amount of material was quite large. We partnered with Jackson Township and the City of Cambridge to dispose of the items and we paid for the disposal fees.

This year’s winner of the Willard Tipple Memorial Award is Mick Balogh. Mick is a longtime supporter of the CDC and has made multiple donation so the CDC over the years. This includes donations of money, bicycles, and more. In addition he buys tickets to the Sportsman’s Bash and is a very vocal supporter of our organization and what we are trying to accomplish.

As always, if you have any questions on any of the information provided in this report call or email me.

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